Word | Definition |
Food industry | Food production with agriculture. |
Agrofuel | Fuel from agriculture. |
Alloy | Combination of different materials, to enhance the strength or other properties |
Axiom | Truth about nature. |
Atom | An atom is what makes it possible to compose chemical bodies. It was thought that the atom could not be cut. We realized after that the atom was composed of a nucleus with protons, with around clouds of electrons. |
Commerce | Decrease in price differences by commercial competition and major works. |
Accounting | Account management of a company. |
Confucius | Ancient Chinese philosopher. |
Demography | Quantitative studies on the population. |
Ellipse | Elongated circle. |
Empire | Power on a number of countries, including the master country. |
Energy | Ability to produce a job. Energy is measured in joules. |
Slavery | Use of unpaid workers. Slavery is due to the traffic. |
Experience | Test in real condition, to verify hypotheses. |
Nuclear fission | Consists to break atoms to get energy. |
Working capital | Monetary surplus to finance sustainable jobs. |
Nuclear fusion | Creating an atom from two to get a lot of energy. |
Great Works | Infrastructure works planned over a large number of years. |
Hypothesis | Unverified proposal or explanation. |
Industry | Factory producing series products in an automated way. |
Infrastructure | Routes of communication of goods or persons within a country. |
Isotopes | Atoms having the same core, but not the same outer surface. |
Machine tool | Machine to perform a production task in an automated way. |
Job | Activity to perform a job through techniques or science. |
Quality of life | Ease or difficulty to live. |
Paradigm | Representation of the world or the universe. |
Paradox | Proposal going against common sense. |
Philosophy | Make assumptions about its limits in order to verify them. |
Physics | Science that tries to understand or explain the phenomena of the universe. |
Quantum physics | Physics of the infinitely small. |
Relativity Science | Physics of the infinitely big. |
Science | Set of specialities and axioms to understand and improve nature. |
Sophism | Argument with a fallacious logic. |
System | Set determined with an internal activity. |
Exchange rate | Difference rate between two currencies. The exchange rate creates inequalities between currencies. |
Technology | Study of tools and techniques. |
Theory | Set of explanations and concepts to understand a system. |
Traffic | Increased price differences. |
Watt | Power unit. Joules by Time. |