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The Paradigm Shift
Creative Common by SA License
Article published on 21 August 2018

by Matthieu Giroux

Science permits to understand nature and life. This infinite research makes it possible to develop paradigm shifts. The nuclear paradigm shift has finally been initiated in the 21st century by China. When the paradigm shift is not yet under way, we are talking about the potential for relative population density, that is to say the possibility for the population to grow and multiply in a certain way. In fact, there is still potential for relative population density. In other words, the human has the capacity to grow and multiply indefinitely, on Earth, then in the universe.

To change the paradigm, it is necessary that 5% of the population militates for this change. These people must understand that the creativity of the human allows unlimited energy to develop each others. It’s about understanding the life like infinity. It is therefore essential to tell to others changing the paradigm. If not, we can talk about the USSR which imploded under Gorbachev.


My Notes

Who really wants development? This is a truth’s research.